9 training modules helping any leader to understand and practice the STELL*R Leadership principles. By mastering the STELL*R Leadership Principles, a leadership team can implement and manage a healthy culture, where people’s habits generate and sustain the desired results for the organization. SLJ clarifies how leaders can influence the habits of their followers by providing the right knowledge about all the 6 pillars of the STELL*R model.
CHDR – Change Habits, Drive Results
The purpose of this module is to familiarize participants with the STELL*R Leadership model and to give them a big picture of the entire journey.
It reveals what a STELL*R culture is and how can be built for any organization. It also clarifies what are the leverages of a leader to influence people’s behaviors towards the desired results.
The purpose of this module is to prove how powerful and influent a clear intention can be.
At the same time a lack of clarity in defining and communicating THE INTENTION generates
disengagement and waste of energy.
During the 2 sessions of this module the participants define the most important elements of a clear intention: Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategy, and Ideal Culture. They will practice powerful definitions of Vision, Mission and Strategy and will plan on how to communicate those definitions to the people thy lead.
Two remote workshops followed by apply it missions and advisory meetings.
For remote workshops:
For missions:
For advisory sessions:
How can we live our values when the pressure on results is so high? Many times, we might consider values as a luxury asset, when our job depends on delivering results. It is an illusion. Living values means nothing but Results on a longer term.
This workshop explores the relationship between Results and Values and its aim is to dissolve the myth that a leader is supposed to choose either Values, or Results. The highest results on a long term are generated by living our values.
Two remote workshops followed by “apply it” missions and advisory meetings.
For workshops:
For “apply it” missions:
The competition is tough. In the new reality the fiercest competition is not on capital or on information any longer. It is about attracting and keeping for your company the best people in the market. For decades, offering the best salary was enough. Now it is not.
This workshop explores concepts like higher purpose, real values, true to self and authenticity. The aim of the workshop is to help leaders creating a more attractive working place, by understanding and influencing the permanent need for joy of people.
Two remote workshops followed by “apply it” missions and advisory meetings.
For workshops:
For “apply it” missions:
Many leaders struggle somewhere between control and laissez-faire, having a hard time in figuring out what is the right amount of power they should transfer to their people and how. Meanwhile, empowerment is seen as key for having an engaged and high-performing team.
This module invites leaders to go beyond general principles of empowering people or their own leadership style and focus on individuals and their perceptions and needs. High control and laissez-faire might be both used by the same leader and lead to performance.
Two remote workshops followed by apply it missions and advisory meetings.
For workshops
For missions
A good leader is a good psychologist. As a leader you influence people’s behavior, and in order to do that you need to understand how people think and feel, and what are the reasons behind this behavior.
This is a workshop about the psychological contract between leaders and followers, and about the needs behind this contract.
Two remote workshops followed by “apply it” missions and advisory meetings.
For workshops:
For “apply it” missions:
Are you driving change? Are you affected by changes? In any case you might be, understanding how changes processes work and what are the main threats to the success of such a process, is an important skill for any mature leader.
This workshop describes each phase of a strategic change process and invite participants to explore possible threats which might block the process. It also generates a checklist of the main actions a leader should complete for a smooth transition to the new reality.
Two remote workshops followed by “apply it” missions and advisory meetings.
For workshops:
For “apply it” missions:
360 Feedback
What are the hidden sources of success and failure in group decision making? What is the real impact of a leader when participating with his team in such a process? From groupthink to collaboration in decision making – all scenarios are possible for a team, but not all of them are used or preferred by the group.
The module invites leaders to have a realistic and human perspective on the decision-making process, to see their team as a group of human beings invited to decide on one thing while struggling with their own interests and emotions. And start from there their effort of getting high quality decisions.
Two remote workshops followed by apply it missions and advisory meetings.
For workshops
For missions
For great results, any organization needs a healthy culture. But this is not enough if the Structure of the organization does not support the right culture.
This workshop investigates how a leader can tune the Organizational Layout and the PPP list (Policies, Processes and Procedures) with the Ideal culture, for getting the expected results. The participants start with the ideal behaviors in mind and evaluate if the Structures and the Systems of their organization encourage those behaviors or not. If the answer is no, what are the changes we need to implement?
Two remote workshops followed by “apply it” missions and advisory meetings.
For workshops:
For “apply it” missions:
360 Feedback
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